1 | Accounting Review | Accounting | 0001-4826 |
2 | Journal of Accounting and Economics | Accounting | 0165-4101 |
3 | Journal of Accounting Research | Accounting | 0021-8456 |
4 | Journal of Finance | Finance | 0022-1082 |
5 | Journal of Financial Economics | Finance | 0304-405X |
6 | Review of Financial Studies | Finance | 0893-9454 |
7 | Information Systems Research | Information Systems | 1047-7047 |
8 | INFORMS Journal on Computing | Information Systems | 1091-9856 |
9 | MIS Quarterly | Information Systems | 0276-7783 |
10 | Journal of International Business Studies | International Business | 0047-2506 |
11 | Journal of Consumer Research | Marketing | 0093-5301 |
12 | Journal of Marketing | Marketing | 0022-2429 |
13 | Journal of Marketing Research | Marketing | 0022-2437 |
14 | Marketing Science | Marketing | 0732-2399 |
15 | Academy of Management Journal | Management | 0001-4273 |
16 | Academy of Management Review | Management | 0363-7425 |
17 | Administrative Science Quarterly | Management | 0001-8392 |
18 | Management Science | Management | 0025-1909 |
19 | Strategic Management Journal | Management | 0143-2095 |
20 | Journal of Operations Management | Operations | 0272-6963 |
21 | Manufacturing & Service Operations Management | Operations | 1523-4614 |
22 | Operations Research | Operations | 0030-364X |
23 | Production and Operations Management | Operations | 1059-1478 |
24 | Organization Science | Organizational Behaviour | 1047-7039 |